Get Equipped
We are a resource for you! While we have lots to offer in the terms of pregnancy and prenatal education, we also have a lot of experience in loving our neighbors as they walk through new seasons. Contact us if you or your church/ small group/ class/ family are interested in learning more about encouraging those in unplanned circumstances. We’d love to share what we’ve learned with you!
Valuing Life from the Start
Check out this neat resource that Focus on the Family produced to help give verbiage to us as we live out and explain what it means to promote life. Take a look at this pamphlet and enjoy some great conversations with the young ones in your life!
So much happens in the womb in those 40 formative weeks! Check out this video on fetal development.
HeartBeat International has a great L.O.V.E. approach for helping us speak life affirming encouragement to our expecting neighbors. We love this method and love sharing it with you! For more information on HeartBeat International, click here.
Let’s change the stigma! Check out more resources from Brave Love- an organization that works to change the perception of adoption for birth moms, adoptees and adopted families. Let’s learn how to use our words well in regards to adoption!
Start a Pro-Love Movement at your church!
Embrace Grace is a ministry that exists to help women with unplanned pregnancies find a place of belonging within the church through support groups. Click here to learn more!