Millions have suffered the trauma of abortion. In fact, one out of every four women, both inside and outside of the Church, has had a least one abortion. Healing After Abortion-Related Trauma (HAART) is a program that offers hope for the hurting hearts of those who have experienced the trauma of an abortion. HAART helps participants find peace and healing through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

HAART operates through small groups of 2-3 individuals. These small groups are fully confidential and the study is free of charge. We offer confidential post-abortion counseling through the Surrendering The Secret Bible Study for women. We also offer “Surrendering the Heart of a Father” for men. For couples who are seeking healing, a study called “A Surrendered Life” is available.

Contact us today if you or someone you know is suffering from the effects of abortion. There is freedom. There is healing. There is help.