Our Impact
Client Stats 1/1/22- 12/31/22
We love getting to work with one life and one family at a time. Between our medical appointments, earn-as-you-learn classes, community education presentations and special events, we get to see a lot of different people in different seasons. Check out a few stats on what we’ve been up to throughout 2022.
Students reached through Community Ed during 2021-2022 school year
Our community involvement spans far beyond any numbers that we can display on a chart. As an organization that receives no government funding or help, we get to share Jesus with our clients every time the opportunity presents itself. While sharing the Gospel is not something we are able to do in classrooms, we are able to encourage our local youth to make choices that align with Biblical truth. We take our conversations and relationships with our clients very seriously around here. These conversations open many doors that lead to trust and ongoing relationships with our clients.
Will you join us in praying over the many conversations that we get to have with our clients and our students?
Newsletters & Mailings
Take a peek at what has been going on in our clinics! We have some client stories, administrative updates, and prayer requests galore.