Thank you for partnering with Modesto Pregnancy Center in an effort to provide free pregnancy and parenting services to the families in this community. But the heart of this ministry goes beyond these physical services. The focus of this ministry is sharing the healing, redemptive love of Jesus. We strive to ensure every patient knows it’s not just their babies we care for, but that we—and the Lord—care for THEM as well.

This page here is to provide you with more of an expanded intro to our ministry beyond the Welcome brochure you’ve received. (P.S. Thank you for reading, and thank you for scanning the QR code!)

  • There are several ways that you can donate to this ministry! We accept physical checks (in the mail or dropped off at our office), or you may make your donations online (either one-time or make it a recurring donation) HERE.

    Looking for specific items that we are in need of? You can purchase from our Amazon wishlist, as well.

  • Our ministry would cease to function without volunteers. They are crucial to providing services and meeting patient needs, and we are grateful for every minute every volunteer graciously offers us.

    There are MANY volunteer options, so don’t disqualify yourself if you are feeling led to serve in some capacity. We would love to have that conversation with you!

    If you can commit to regular volunteering, we have weekly and biweekly roles that need to be filled. If you have a heart for Jesus and loving his people well, you’ll likely find a role that suits your gifts. Check here for weekly/biweekly volunteer possibilities!

  • We covet your prayers.

    The enemy seeks to destroy, and we need God’s people to intercede on behalf of our staff, volunteers and patients.

    We offer a monthly prayer calendar, if you would like some specific guidance on ways to pray for this ministry.

    And we recently formed an option to receive emergent prayer requests via text message as the need arises in one of our clinics. That sign-up can be found at the footer of our website.

  • We welcome conversations about creating partnerships in this community! You can reach out to us in several ways:

    Call: 209-526-1734


    Mail: 2801 Coffee Road, Suite A5
    Modesto, CA 95355

  • As a new donor, you can receive a 10% discount on your purchase from our official online shop! This is a great way to spread more community awareness about the ministry while also looking pretty amazing... Not that we're biased!

    Code: NEWTOMPC

Here’s our annual “Year in Review” from 2023 for you to get further acquainted with this ministry and what God has been up to this past year!