While our medical team operates similar to a “triage” of addressing more urgent, critical needs, our Community Education team is preventative care. We provide scientifically accurate sexual health education to local middle schools, high schools, and churches, and topics include everything from pregnancy and STIs to healthy relationships, trafficking, and pornography.

Within our churches and youth groups, we expand on our education to provide scripture as the backbone for our curriculum. It’s a privilege to teach our youth God’s design for sex and relationships as they navigate such formative years in establishing their identities.

update from
kristi koolhaas,
ce manager


Our Community Ed team is working hard to pivot and find where exactly God wants us to be in the future. We have been able to connect with some churches in our area! We began a three Sunday night-long teaching relationship with Grace River church’s youth group. We have heard good feedback and have used this as a learning opportunity on how to best service our churches in the future.

We have also been in contact with other churches and are working on scheduling times to meet with their youth on the topic of their choosing. We hope that this program continues to evolve and to help reach the youth in our churches on the tough subjects that they might otherwise not learn about from a biblical perspective.

We continue to work with the community programs that we have already established relationships with such as Without Permission and World Relief. Although both classes have been small, we have appreciated our work with both of these programs. We have also been encouraged by Without Permission to include more about our faith as we present, which will be a pleasure to do. We continue to be scheduled to meet with both programs once a month until the end of the school year as of now.

Finally, we are also in the process of opening up doors at the schools as well. We are currently booked with three schools this spring: Ripon Christian (RC), Modesto Christian, and Ripon Public. We continue to want to build relationships with new schools in our area through outreach and praying doors open for us to reach the youth we had not had time to consider in the past. We have worked hard to put together a presentation for our youth in 1st or 2nd grade and are waiting to set up a meeting with RC to finalize the program. We have also spoken with the preschool administration at RC and have put together a program for the preschoolers as well. Our hope is to start at RC and then expand into the surrounding schools. 

We covet your prayers as we have approached Modesto public schools and have been told the door is shut for us at this time. We pray that God can mend those relationships and open the doors back into those public schools. At this time we will put our effort into reaching out to schools we have not previously been able to connect with due to a busy schedule and allow God to do what He does best within the hearts of the higher ups in the Modesto School System.  


Our Facebook page is a faith-based approach for parents to utilize as a resource for speaking with their children about what can be difficult topics.


Our Instagram is more of a youth- and student-focused resource that is often used as conversation starters with our educators.