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The body of Christ…right here at MPC!

As part of Giving Tuesday, we would like you to meet some of the people God has brought to MPC to give back to the community. For more on Giving Tuesday, click here. 

God has beautifully created and orchestrated a strong team to serve our patients and community well. We come from a variety of backgrounds, churches and pasts to make up a lovely team. Read some of their incredible testimonies here. Get to know the heart of this ministry and what drives them to serve.

Meet Julie

God brought me to the center to better understand His healing, forgiveness, and love for me. He has used my experiences to share hope with the girls that feel they have none. I feel it is so important that our clients hear that they have value and worth and are not alone. I love speaking truth to these young women and encourage them to trust in God’s plan for their future and not make decisions out of fear. I see God working in our conversations and in our ability to show them their baby in the ultrasound. There is such a need for these young women to see this pregnancy as a life, a son or a daughter, to know we will walk alongside them and help them. We pray for them and connect them with support groups and resources.


Meet Michelle

I heard MPC talk at my church (Big Valley Grace Community Church) and I felt really moved and called to be a part of the ministry.  I sat on this feeling for a year or two (having small children and working full time at the hospital) and never really acted on it.  One day, MPC just popped into my head and I was looking at the website to see if I could volunteer.  Not speaking with my husband, he randomly mentioned that day, “Did you ever look into volunteering at the pregnancy center?”  I knew this was a calling from God.  I volunteered to sign up for a work day.  I came to the center and started folding brochures.  I looked on the back of one of the brochures and saw that they needed a nurse.  I told our clinic director that I was a nurse and asked her more information about the role of the nurse.  From there we started chatting back and forth and I became really interested in a position.  Everything fell into place after that moment to get me here.  God created a path and I followed.  The way God moves in this ministry and the people that I work with keep me working here.  I enjoy working for a ministry that is filled with God’s love and the love of others.

Meet Amie

My name is Amie Postma and I am so very thankful to work for MPC over the last four years as a Family Nurse Practitioner. I came to MPC after witnessing the devastation and hopelessness of the abortion industry first hand. I worked as a new NP in the abortion industry with the hopes of helping underserved women and families. I told myself as long as I was there to help women and not participate in the actual abortion God would be ok with me working in the industry. But after a year of rushed patient visits it became clear the system was not designed to help these women. At the clinic a certain number of visits had to be abortions every day. The motivation for staff to help these young men and women to parent was not there, and the time needed to counsel them and refer properly was impossibly absent. My final day at work came after I was to perform ultrasounds at a surgical abortion center. I did not understand these ultrasounds were to be done during the abortions. I was in these rooms watching the lives of these formed babies being taken in front of my eyes, I watched the screen go from the beautiful glow of moving feeling life to a dark empty void. So many women left drugged up, heartbroken and empty while all being told in a very caring voice by the nurse that they were“doing the right thing,” and that “it was all going to be ok.” The last patient was on her 10th abortion, she asked for a picture of her beautiful 20 week old baby before the procedure began. I left half way through the day, and in that time we had one possibly two uterine perforations. I gave my notice, and I called MPC, looking up their number as I had remembered seeing a brochure about what they offered. I felt this overwhelming need to truly help women; to help them parent and be given an option outside of abortion. I had to do something. I was connected with our now director Erin, who I found out attended the same church I had just started going to!

I am so beyond thankful and blessed all these years later to have deepened my faith in God through MPC, to have seen life changing visits, and witnessed God at work through all of those he brings to MPC, the staff, the donors and the patients. It is a true ministry and to work as a nurse, being able to share my faith and the truth of Jesus’s love and the power of redemption that will last generations for our patients' families is an incredible privilege.


Meet Cynthia

I first heard about MPC when I was 13 and my sister became a 16 year old mom. I witnessed the kindness and help she was given in the form of classes and baby bucks.

When I became pregnant at the young age of 17 I was reminded once again of MPC. At the time I was undecided I was leaning towards abortion but I made an appt with Modesto Pregnancy Center anyways. I heard my baby’s heartbeat and decided on choosing life.

Fast forward 15 years and the Lord once again highlighted this ministry in my mind. I started out volunteering as a peer advocate for 9 months before being hired on staff. I truly feel like the Lord continually brought Modesto Pregnancy Center to the forefront of my mind and placed the desire to be a part of this team on my heart. I have had over 1,000 conversations with women in my five years of being here. I have talked with women who have been abused, who did not plan on being pregnant, who were excited to have a baby, and those whose heart was set on abortion. I have listened to stories that were unbearable to hear. And at times I’ve wanted  to give the clothes off my back to help them but the best thing I could do was pray.

Yet, in between those tough conversations the Lord has brought joy. From the young girls who wanted an abortion but then get excited to tell you over the phone that they have chosen life. To the ones who share that they have no spiritual beliefs but continue to ask questions about God when I share what he’s done in my life. To the ones who let me lay my hands on them in prayer before leaving the appt. And especially the ones who come back on their 2nd, 3rd pregnancy, or tell others because they felt loved by coming to MPC.

I’m grateful to be a part of this ministry. And I’m grateful that God has allowed a way for me to use my story to help others.

Meet Amanda

I first walked through the doors of MPC at a Volunteer Information Night. At the time, I was a young 20-year-old attending college, working for Starbucks, volunteering at a youth group, but I still felt like God was asking me to step out even more in a role that would allow me to share the Gospel with young gals going through a difficult time in their lives. Little did I know that when I showed up to that Volunteer Information Night, I would be stepping foot into a place that would capture my heart for the next 10 years of my life! I knew instantly that this was a ministry I wanted to partner with in whatever way I could. I fell in love with the Peer Advocate role here at the center where I could listen deeply to the individual stories of our clients and share the Good News of Jesus. I started out volunteering one day a week for a few hours. Not every encounter was a good experience… in fact, I had to learn very early on that I could not carry with me the burdens of these women, but instead I needed to release them to the Lord. However, it was and still is such a privilege to be used by God in a place where people feel safe enough to share the broken parts of their stories and then to be able to be used by the Holy Spirit to plant seeds in their lives.

After volunteering in the Peer Advocate role for about 7 months, I applied for an open position on the Community Education team and was hired as the Community Education Assistant. I spent three years in that role presenting on abstinence, healthy relationships, fetal development, and STIs in several different settings: middle schools, high schools, colleges, and youth groups. Those three years were such a redeeming part of my life story. Every week I was presenting information to the youth in our community that I wished I had taken to heart as a young adolescent. God used the broken parts in my story to impact others, and I am forever grateful to have had that opportunity.

During those three years in Community Education, I was attending Nursing School at Stanislaus State to become an R.N. My goal all along was to graduate and find an R.N. job at a local hospital, but God had other plans for me. Throughout those three years of nursing school, God began to change my desire of finding a hospital job. He began to reveal to me that the type of nursing job I was looking for was the role that MPC provided. When I graduated in 2016, I transitioned from my job in Community Education to the nursing role at MPC and I have loved it ever since! I have the most amazing privilege of showing women through the technology of ultrasound the beautiful life that God has created inside of their womb. Working in this setting affords me time to sit with my patients one-on-one and educate them not only on their pregnancy, but also about making healthy choices in their lives that will allow them to flourish physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

I am so grateful for the work I get to do at Modesto Pregnancy Center. It is a daily occurrence that I will have a patient express that she has never been to a medical clinic that was so welcoming and peaceful. Even though there are many hard days and difficult situations to walk through with the women (and men) we serve here, I am always amazed how God sustains us and how He shows up time and time again. I had the privilege a couple of years ago to step into the Nurse Manager role, and again, I have seen God work in amazing ways to not only grow me in my walk with Him, but to continue to do wonderful things here at MPC. Working alongside this team of nurses, the whole MPC staff, and the volunteers who faithfully serve here is such a gift. These women are constantly encouraging me in my faith, inspire me to live in a way that pleases the Lord, and lift me up on difficult days. Just last week I was in tears as I watched a young couple walk out of our clinic doors each with a Bible in their hands and thanking us for the time we took to talk with both of them. What a gift to be used in this way!