Our Programs

Here at MPC, we are dedicated to loving and serving our community one life at a time. We take our relationships with our clients very seriously as we look for ways to champion for them and their families.

Post abortion healing

Millions have suffered the trauma of abortion. In fact, one out of every four women, both inside and outside of the Church, has had a least one abortion. Healing After Abortion Related Trauma (HAART) is a program that offers hope for the hurting hearts of those who have experienced the trauma of an abortion. HAART helps participants find peace and healing through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

HAART operates through small groups of 2-3 individuals. These small groups are fully confidential and the study is free of charge. .We offer confidential post-abortion counseling through the Surrendering The Secret Bible Study for women. We also offer “Surrendering the Heart of a Father” for men. For couples who are seeking healing, a study called “A Surrendered Life” is available.

Contact us today if you or someone you know is suffering from the effects of abortion. There is freedom. There is healing. There is help.

Our Clinic hours:

Monday – Thursday

Friday : 9:00am-2:00pm


2801 Coffee Rd. Ste. A5

Modesto, CA 95355


Pregnancy Tests

When a woman calls in with the inkling that she might be pregnant, we set up her first appointment as a pregnancy test appointment. While she waits for test results, the she meets with a peer advocate who gets to know her, her individual story, her fears and her unique situation. After this, one of our R.N.’s meets with her to discuss her test results, her health, and what the future might look like.

Sti testing- Coming soon

The number of people exposed to STI’s is at an all-time high here in Stanislaus County. These infections should not be taken lightly, and often go undetected. If you and/or your partner have any concern about exposure to a sexually transmitted infection, contact us for a referral at a free clinic.


Limited first trimester ultrasounds


Free first trimester ultrasounds are available to any woman with proof of pregnancy (this can be from her own doctor’s office or from our clinic). Our clinic is equipped with state of the art ultrasound machines and specially trained registered nurses. These ultrasounds are used to ensure that baby is in the uterus, to measure how far along mom is in her pregnancy, and to check that baby’s heart is beating within the expected range. Moms get to experience that first look at baby on our large screen TV’s thanks to the generosity of our supporters.


Earn as you learn classes

Our Center loves continuing to build relationships with our patients throughout their pregnancy and parenting journeys. We offer free prenatal and parenting classes to any parents in our community. The available classes include first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, first year parenting, and we also have a free car seat program.

Completing these online classes allow clients to earn Baby Bucks, the currency of our Bumps and Bows Boutique. This boutique is stocked with goods for baby and mama ranging from diapers and wipes to furniture, clothing, formula and toys. Our Boutique is kept full thanks to the generosity of our community and the hard work of our volunteers.

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Community Education

For more than 20 years, the Community Education team has provided free interactive presentations and resources for the city of Modesto and surrounding areas. Trained volunteers and staff educate students, parents, churches, and community members about topics like healthy relationships, STDs, social media safety, and more. The goal of CE is to build a stronger community by empowering people to make healthy, life-affirming choices. For more information or booking, you can email communityeducation@modestopc.org, visit our website at www.personalhealthnow.org, or call (209) 526-1734.